धरानको अडिसनको रिजल्ट:

धरानले २२ सांगीतिक प्रतिभा दिएको छ कोका-कोला नेपाली तारा ३ को दोश्रो राउण्डमा भिड्नकालागि, ती मध्ये १४ जना प्रतिस्पर्धी पुरुष छन् भने ८ जान महिला I सबै छानिएका प्रतिस्पर्धीलाई बधाई, हामी तपाईंहरुलाई काठमाडौँमा भेट्ने छौं I

छानिएका प्रतिस्पर्धी को को हुन् थाहा पाउन सबैले नेपाल टेलिभिजन र एनटीभी प्लस बाट प्रशारण हुने कार्यक्रम हेर्नु होला, कार्यक्रम प्रशारण हुने दिन, समय र मितिका लागि हामी संगै रहनु होला I
Final Result of Dharan Audition:
Dharan has given 22 aspiring participants for next round of Coca-Cola Nepali Tara 3 out of which 14 are boys and 8 are girls. They will all come to Kathmandu for next round. Congratulations to all the selected participants and see you in Kathmandu.

To find out about these selected participants you will have to watch our TV show on Nepal TV and NTV Plus. We will announce the date, time and day of broadcasting soon. Be with us.

Some glimpses of Dharan Audition
Photo 1 – Program Presenter @Santosh Lama interacting with participants.
Photo 2 – 3 judges on the sets of audition
Photo 3 – Participant singing in front of judges
Photo 4 & 5 – Aspiring participants in sue outside the hall
Photo 6 – Singer receiving comments

Nepali Tara's photo.
Nepali Tara's photo.
Nepali Tara's photo.
Nepali Tara's photo.

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